Academic Support and Accommodation Program (ASAP)

Students with a diagnosed, documented learning difference are provided a Student Accommodation Plan (SAP). As incoming freshmen or as transfer students (or once a current student receives a diagnosis), and then each year that a student is enrolled at Pres, students and their families have an individual meeting with the Learning Coordinator at the start of the school year to develop a Student Accommodation Plan initially, and then update it and discuss the student’s progress. The SAP outlines accommodations and resources that support the student within a classroom setting and with testing, as well as other resources available to the student. The classes in which students enroll is determined on an individual basis.

All students with a SAP receive frequent check-ins with the Learning Coordinator and counselors throughout the school year. The Learning Coordinator engages in ongoing communication with teachers, students, and families to monitor progress and adjust supports and accommodations as needed. We also encourage and help students develop strong self-advocacy skills.

Students have access to quiet workspaces and testing rooms. Students with testing accommodations may test in this distraction-free space. In addition, the Learning Coordinator works with students and families, in conjunction with the College Readiness Counselor, to assist with accommodation requests for standardized tests, including the ACT, SAT, and AP exams. Senior students and families also receive support in applying for resources for college, community, and/or workplace accommodations for after graduation.

During their freshman year, students (with or without a SAP) may also enroll in our Freshmen Success Program (FSP) for additional support. FSP is a course that utilizes a small group setting and is specifically designed to enhance student organization skills, study habits, and time management skills, as well as task initiation and follow through skills. The course also utilizes goal setting and mindfulness techniques. The students’ academic progress and grades are monitored daily, and students are given support to complete their coursework and prepare for upcoming assessments. Some students enroll in this course for one semester, while others enroll for a full year, depending on their needs and the level of support needed.

Students (with or without a SAP) can also receive additional support by attending Study Table, which is offered after school daily and monitored by the Learning Coordinator, a counselor, teacher, or administrator. Students also have the opportunity to work with a peer tutor from our National Honor Society.

Accommodations may include:

  • Testing accommodations (extended time, separate testing setting, oral reading, scribe)

  • Breaks, as needed

  • Scribe or voice-to-text for written responses and essays

  • Teacher-provided copies of notes

  • Preferential seating in classrooms

  • Chunking of larger assignments and projects

  • Frequent check-ins and/or cues to focus from teachers

  • Use of a fidget

  • Access to audiobooks and audiotexts including Bookshare (online database of audio and accessible texts)

  • Modification of class schedule

If your daughter has a diagnosed learning, attention, or medical need and you feel she would qualify for Presentation Academy’s Academic Support and Accommodation Program, please contact Learning Coordinator Amelia Flynn at or (502) 583-5835 Ext 200.